About gluten, decaf coffee and Victorian style houses

I am writing this post inspired by my friend Daina. Finally autumn hit California, it started raining. Last week after rain I noticed weirdest thing I ever seen, while trees are loosing leaves flowers start blooming with beautiful blossoms and smelling…

There are NO roll-deodorants in America!

At this moment I am sitting in the bed writing this post in Word document (since I don’t have internet and can’t do that straight in my blog). Moreover it is Saturday evening and I am at home and…

Quick update while doing laundry

Fog is rolling down the hill Hi! It’s been a while when I wrote here but for some special circumstance ( no internet) I even could not inform about myself. But now I am in laundry place and they have free…

Looking for Autumn

Crisis in my pocket and crisis in my head. For some reasons it is really hard to motivate myself to blog recently. But I just really want to share some pictures and some ideas. I have an idea for another blog about which I…

Orange, Round and Big – Pumpkin!

Lately I was feeling lazy and lack of motivation to do anything. Maybe my body feels that it is autumn season and that I should be a bit melancholic. Well whoever it is I am trying to push myself and…

BLACK / GREEN – Folsom Street Fair

Until now I found only one bad thing to live in USA. It sucks to be not in the same time zone as your friends and family. I haven’t seen rain for 1 month! That is pretty rare thing since I…

Walking talking endlessly

I would like to start  this post with a phrase  “If its yellow let it mellow, if its brown flush it down”.   If someone do not understand what it exactly means let me explain shortly its all about the toilet. When I came to San Francisco I…

I am all at sea – Pacifica, Bay area

I like walking and biking. But unfortunately to bike in San Francisco is the same as to go to the gym for the first time after long years of smoking, partying and choosing all the heaviest weights. Mission possible but…

Copenhagen Pride

Galore Urban Art Festival Every week something is happening to me. This week I thought I have a calm week as I did not do so much and did not met any strange people. But unfortunately not everything is…