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It looks like winter ….while its almost the middle of the March… Everybody is waiting for spring waiting for sunshine…I like the feeling when I can open my coat cuz it’s too hot to wear it… sitting in the city centre on a bench drinking cup of coffee or hot chocolate and looking to the people who looks so happy about warm weather and a nice Sunday day …

Im still waiting for that ..

The best thing is that I know it will come…

I just need to wait..
just a bit…

already 1 month in LT

So….it’s been a long time when i wrote here something about something.

it is exactly 1 month when I am in LT… now it looks like a beautiful dream and just only pictures and communication with people reminds me that it was absolutely real and it was too real to be true.

Today is a big day for me. As some people do not like to go to doctors, so I don’t like to go to hairdresser. Always it is very painful and no pleasure 😀 But at least today im quite happy about my hair. Maybe you can ask, so why did u go to hairdresser if u dont like it so much ? The answer is very simple. Just i want to be beautiful beacause spring is comming :>

As Marilyn Monroe said – “I am not intrested in money. i just want to be wonderful”
with L.o.V.e Martyna.