Browsing Category


The melody of fallen tree

Underneath the leaves where the blackbirds turn blue

If theres room for me
Theres room for you




Kad ir kur beeitum, kad ir ką bedarytum mus supa reklamos. Stendai, plakatai, tv, radijas ir t.t. Būtų galima ginčitis ilgai ir nuobodžiai kokį poveikį jos daro žmogui ir visuomenei. Yra tam tikra rūšis reklamų, kurios tarsi trumpametražiai filmai su pradžia ir pabaiga, su intriga. Neretai labai estetiškos ir mielos.

Po daugybės svarstymų nusprendžiau, kad įspudingiausios reklamos – kvepalų. Antroje vietoje tikriausiai būtų automobilių reklamos.

It looks like winter ….while its almost the middle of the March… Everybody is waiting for spring waiting for sunshine…I like the feeling when I can open my coat cuz it’s too hot to wear it… sitting in the city centre on a bench drinking cup of coffee or hot chocolate and looking to the people who looks so happy about warm weather and a nice Sunday day …

Im still waiting for that ..

The best thing is that I know it will come…

I just need to wait..
just a bit…

already 1 month in LT

So….it’s been a long time when i wrote here something about something.

it is exactly 1 month when I am in LT… now it looks like a beautiful dream and just only pictures and communication with people reminds me that it was absolutely real and it was too real to be true.

Today is a big day for me. As some people do not like to go to doctors, so I don’t like to go to hairdresser. Always it is very painful and no pleasure 😀 But at least today im quite happy about my hair. Maybe you can ask, so why did u go to hairdresser if u dont like it so much ? The answer is very simple. Just i want to be beautiful beacause spring is comming :>

As Marilyn Monroe said – “I am not intrested in money. i just want to be wonderful”
with L.o.V.e Martyna.