Posted on September 1, 2011Ok, while my phone is dead..I bought a new friend for waking me up… haven’t uses such type alarm clock for ages!!! maybe even didn’t have one ever. Well definitely now I have … Kind of look cute at the moment…ask me about that tomorrow 😀
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Where Danes disappearing during the week ?
Posted on August 26, 2011Kartą jau rašiau apie viešojo transporto ypatumus Kopenhagoje. Šį kartą pastebėjau kitą dalyką. Kur dingsta danai per savaitę? Kaip jau kažkada minėjau man iki darbo yra valanda kelio važiuoti autobusu, traukiniu ir metro. Pastebėjau, kad Pirmadieniais viešasis transportas būna pergrūstas, kitomis dienomis žmonių skaičius tolygiai mažėja kol galų galiausiai penktadienį žmonių skaičius palieka minimalus. Turbūt galima būtų sakyti, kad jie penktadieniais neskuba į darbą ir ateina vėliau , gal tai ir galėtų būti tiesa jei aš karts nuo karto pati nevėluočiau, ir kad ir kokiu laiku penktadieni ryte pasirodytum darbe vistiek yra apytuįtis transportas.
Gal kas turi kokį nors logišką paaiškinimą?
Once I wrote about danish behavior in public transport. Today I would like to share with you another notice about them. As I wrote before I live 1 hour away from my workplace I need to use bus, train and metro. My notice for today is that the number of people everyday who is going to work unambiguously is decreasing. On Mondays trains, and metro are overcrowded, while on Fridays everywhere is more or less is empty. You can say: maybe they are coming later…well maybe it could be true but sometimes I am also late to the job and situation is the same almost empty train and metro.
Any logical explanation?
Kiekvieną dieną pro TAI aš praeinu Every Day I pass this |
Kaitinas vyriškis Sunbathing man |
Nyhavn |
Visi mieli kol miega 😀 Lovely Kid |
Posted on August 21, 2011Pilnas kiemas obuolių
Posted on August 13, 2011Human behavior in the public transport during the peak Copenhagen comparison with Vilnius
Posted on July 14, 2011Today is one of those days when in Denmark or at least in Copenhagen is raining. In such days I want to kill myself when I need to use public transport. (As I live quite far away from the city center and my work place is almost an hour to go) In such days just only really brave or insane Danes is biking. They are ready for that 100%. They do have all the protection from the rain and bravely cycle. But those who are not so brave and not so well prepared as previous use public transport. So logically public transport in such days is becoming more or less slightly overcrowded.
Summer Colours
Posted on June 26, 2011Tall girls – short girls.
Posted on June 18, 2011Nesvarbu kaip tu atrodai svarbiausia tai kaip tu jautiesi It doesn’t matter how you look it matter how you fell. |
Summer in the air
Posted on June 11, 2011Vasaros įdegis jau iš lėto žengia mano kūnu. Po visos dienos vartymosi ant žolės savo kieme rezultatas – švelnus raudonis. Niekaip nesuprantu kaip jau puse danų vaikšo rudi kaip šokoladas. Arba jie nedirba ir nesimoko ir visą laiką sėdi lauke arba jie eina daug ir dažnai į soliarumą. Vyšnios yra vienas iš nerealiausių dalykų.
Summer tan is steeping slowly on my body. After all day in the sun in my backyard the result is – light red color. I cant understand how half of the danish people already are brown as chocolate. Either they are not working, not studding and spend all the days outside or they are victims of solarium. Cherries is one of the best things ever!!!
Vyšnios = VASARA Cherries = totally summer |
Posted on May 22, 2011Kava + pienas + zefyras = KLM Coffe + milk + marshmallow = <3 |
Vakaras Kopenhagoje Evening in Copenhagen |
Nauji saulės akiniai New sunglasses |
Važiuoti dviračiu po vidurnakčio Biking after midnight |